Ao encontro que decorreu em França, que contou com a participação da Escola da APEL, segue-se a próxima formação em Roma, Itália.
Project N°2020-1-FR01-KA229-080517
In this project, we want to question about sustainable development when traveling, on the safeguarding of heritage and on the implementation of an eco-responsible policy. The project involves teachers and students from schools located in highly touristic places: Madeira, Portugal; Antalya, Turkey; Belgrade, Serbia; Rome, Italy and Lyon, France.
From the 3rd to the 5th of October 2021 we had the first teachers training activity. It took place at Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, a region in southeast-central France.
Our hosts were Velérie, Ali and Régis who work at vocational High School Gambetta in Bourgoin-Jallieu, also Nadia and Tashin who work at High School Léonard de Vinci (located in Villefontaine). Our hotel was also located in Bourgoin-Jallieu.
During this meeting, we visited Lyon, about 50 km from Bourgoin-Jallieu. There, we visited the Museé des Confluences ( and the historic center of Lyon which is classified as World UNESCO Heritage Site (
We also visited the host schools. They are amazing hosts! “Do you like croissant?”
Gambetta school is specialized in hospitality, they have a complete restaurant where students work and people of the community can eat. In Léonard de Vinci student’s welcomed us with a high quality presentation in an amazing auditorium.
Working with teachers from other countries was incredible! Europe is closer with Erasmus +, we have much to learn from each other! Of course it’s a challenge to understand Turkish, Serbian, French, Italian and English (with different accents), but we did it! We met interesting people, worked together and strengthened bonds.
In this project we will use the eTwinning platform ( a community of schools in Europe.
The next time we meet in Rome, Italy!
Bye for now,